Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Four Principles Essay

Community corrections are â€Å"non-prison sanctions that are imposed on convicted adults or adjudicated juveniles either by a court instead of a prison sentence or by a parole board following release from prison.† (Joan Petersilia Para. 1) There are four general principles of effective intervention that have become organizing concepts of community corrections in what has become known as the â€Å"what works† movement. In this paragraph I will describe all four of the general principles of effective intervention, risk principle, criminogenic need principle, treatment principle, and fidelity principle, and the way they work. The first of the four principles of effective intervention is risk principle. Risk principle tells us that intervention programs should use a mix of cognitive and behavioral strategies (Wright, 2012.) This is saying that the intervention should target high risk offenders, to prevent them from reoffending. Research has proved that targeting high risk offenders works more often then targeting low risk offenders. Certain offenses are considered low risk and others high. That is what qualifies you as a low and high risk offender by what offense you committed the first time. Moreover, research also shows that targeting low-risk offenders with intensive treatment can actually increase their reoffending (Latessa, 2010). That is why within the four principles it does not target low right offenders. I agree with this system completely, we should pay more attention to the more serious offenders, because if they did a serious offense in the first place, they will do it again, and we  must tar get these people to try and stop them. According to Gendra and Paparozzi with Corrections Today, â€Å"When Robert Martinson predicted some 20 years ago that the new epoch in corrections would focus on punishment, many of us who were working in the system at that time did not realize how prescient he was. Today, the U.S. corrections system relies on the threat of punishment to bring about law-abiding behavior. Evidence of this can be seen in the proliferation of intensive supervision programs (ISPs), boot camps, shock incarceration and people’s prisons.† (Gendreau, P., & Paparozzi, M. A., 1995) I know that this intervention works because I have been to boot camp myself, and as they call it the â€Å"scare tactic† it really does work. When you do something incorrect or not to standards in the military they will scare soldiers with punishment, the reason it scares the soldiers is because they know that they will go through with the punishment because they have been punished before. The second of the four principles of effective intervention is ciminogenic need principle. Criminogenic need principle posits that intervention programs must focus on change factors related to the offender’s antisocial conduct. Some of the important factors to target include antisocial values and attitudes, substance abuse, antisocial peers, dysfunctional families, and poor decision-making and problem-solving skills. â€Å"Unfortunately many intervention programs target factors that have little or nothing to do with an individual’s current criminal behavior.† (Wright, F  2012) When going up in a dysfunctional family, you learn that it is acceptable to be that way. When gang member have children , their children grow up thinking that what their parent is doing is acceptable, so when they get to the age that they can make their own decisions, they do what they grew up knowing, gang banging. On the contrary an example I am going to bring up the incident that happened in Connecticut a couple days ago. The killer did not have a dysfunctional family, but the old babysitter had reported that when she would watch him his mother would say to never take her eye off of him, even when going to the bathroom which can form a theory that he had always acted up in odd ways. The third of the four principles of  effective intervention is the treatment principle. The treatment principle tells us that intervention programs should use a mix of cognitive and behavioral strategies. As John Wright states, â€Å"Cognitive approaches confront the way offenders think, their criminal values and attitudes, and their decision making. Behavioral approaches, by contrast, seek to model, reward, and reinforce prosocial behavior. Numerous studies show that cognitive-behavioral strategies work better than other intervention strategies for offenders, including nondirective talk therapy and psychoanalytic approaches. Nondirective approaches do not tend to work with most offenders because they are usually concrete in their thinking and not always able to think rationally.† (J. Wright, 2012) When you are in prison, if you do not get into trouble they will send you to a work camp, which gives you more privileges than the average prisoner. When you get in trouble in prison, they will take away any little privileges that you do have, that would be an example of behavioral approaches. An example of a cognitive approach would be to have a criminal in therapy, with a physiological expert who would know how to pick the offenders brain to figure out the way they think then question them on the reason they think like that. The fourth and last principle of effective intervention is the fidelity principle. The fidelity principle is in affect to make it so that the other three principles are being held to the standard. â€Å"Some individuals should never work with offenders. When they do they often reinforce criminal thinking patterns and antisocial behavior† (J. Wright 2012). The people that work with these offenders must be one hundred percent qualified, and well as have proven positive results of their work or else their job in this intervention is useless. The working will just cause the offenders to get worst. All the jobs within the intervention are important because if everyone is not doing their part within the program then the results from the program will not look effective. These four principles have been proven to be effective and I believe that if we continue to use it, that we will avoid many offenders from have a second  offense and keep the crime rate down within our country. In this essay you have learned all four of the principles effective in the community corrections, risk principle, crimongenic  need principle, treatment principle, and fidelity principle, and the roles that they play within the intervention. References Beeler, A. (2007). What works in corrections: Reducing the criminal activities of offenders and delinquents. Corrections Compendium, 32(2), 36-36. Retrieved from Gendreau, P., & Paparozzi, M. A. (1995). Examining what works in community corrections. Corrections Today, 57(1), 28-28. Retrieved from Petersilia, J (November 2007) What Works In Community Corrections, The PEW Center of the States. Retrieved by Wright, J (2012) What Works In Changing Offenders? Retrieved from

A Teacher’s Involvement on Education Reform Essay

Student achievement is constantly changing. Today’s students are being prepared to face the real world that requires them to have exceeding abilities and knowledge. On the global economic aspect of today, students are asked to understand the fundamentals and at the same time be able to think critically. They must analyze and make inferences. It is the teacher’s task to develop these skills in the students. They must prepare them for any changes in the assessment of the school, especially when this approach is of the large scale and high-stake level. Education in the United States has been reformed countless times – all for various reasons. The changes in the knowledge and skills that are aimed for success go hand in hand with the understanding of how students learn. The relationship between the instruction given in schools and the assessment of the students through exams change the learning goals that are set for them and their schools. Therefore, the need for education reform. 1 Before, society can get by with the basic reading and arithmetic skills. This was during the industrial age. However, we are now in an information age. Individuals are required to have access to the interpretation and analysis of the information that they use in order to come up with decisions. Studies show that the skills and competencies mentioned in the previous sentence are the requirements to succeed in the workplace. 2 To adapt to these changes, the content standards of education – skills, knowledge and behavior of the students – must be achieved at a higher level. This is developed at the national, as well as the state areas of science, mathematics, history and geography. In this process, student assessment is the focus and the center of the efforts on matters concerning educational improvements. The policymakers intend to change the assessment that will allow teachers and schools to have different approaches. Assessment reform is not an excuse for a new regime by teachers. This is targeted to the students with the help of the development efforts of the teachers. These include curriculum reform, improving instruction and getting new instructional materials. A number of policymakers and educators believe that the assessment of the students reflect the lessons that they were taught. It’s true that the assessment influences the format of instruction. Contrary to the understanding of today’s students on how they learn their lessons, the assessments are particularly traditional. Most exams still follow the multiple-choice and the true-false format. These test facts determine the skill in an isolated approach. It seldom requires the students to apply what they really know, making it hard to determine what they are capable of doing in real life situations. The standardized tests do not match the content standards. Relying too much on these kinds of assessment often result to an instruction that only focuses on the basic knowledge and skills. It does not encourage the institution to reform the instruction give to the students. Engaged learning will prepare the students better for the 21st century. That being said, it only makes sense that the tests the students take encourage aggressive learning. 3 â€Å"The notion that learning comes about by the accretion of little bits is outmoded learning theory. Current models of learning based on cognitive psychology contend that learners gain understanding when they construct their own cognitive maps of the interconnections among concepts and facts. Thus, real learning cannot be spoon-fed, one skill at a time. † 4 Educators, policymakers and parents are starting to realize that the basic learning abilities are no longer enough. They need the students to have the skills they learned in school and the abilities they need upon leaving school all at the same time. Schools are expected to assist students in developing these competencies which they will use in real and authentic situations. The establishments are expected to graduate students who have these abilities – students who excel on both the standardized and the alternative assessments. During the last decade, the education community in the United States went through a proliferation of reform efforts that are standardized-driven. Its main objective is to increase the achievement level of the students. They want students from the United States achieve the same level of competitiveness with other industrialized nations. The education community also wants to restore the public confidence in the education. Once these are achieved, then it provides the standards-setting bodies the primary ways on how the classroom teachers can be involved in the reforming process. The federal government is a prominent player in the reforming efforts one educations. It goes all the way back in March 1994 when President Clinton signed the â€Å"Goals 2000: Educate America Act. It was the legislation that created the framework which allowed states to adopt and construct the education reform strategies by incorporating the three Goals principles: 1. ) rigorous academic standards. 2. ) alignment of curriculum, textbooks and teacher education and 3. ) clear incentives to encourage students to strive to meet high standards. Also, in 1987, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards or the NBPTS was formed in order to articulate the standards of excellence to what teachers must know and should know. NBPTS has an assessment system that determines the eligibility of the educators for the National Board certification. At the same time, the Council of Chief State School Officers has established the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) to produce the model standards for the initial teacher licensure. INTASC standards are based on NBPTS standards. In 1987, the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) started using the revised accreditation standards for teacher education institutions. This also reflects NBPTS standards. It calls for better performance, higher admissions and graduate standards. NCATE encourages the teachers to prepare the reforms on education at a content standard that has appeared from projects such as the NCTMs. There are three kinds of national standards which currently receive attention from the American government. The content standards focus on the curriculum, the performance standards concentrate on the student work and the assessment, and the school delivery standards which centers on the resources and support for the schools, teachers and students. The building figures from the consensus prominently show that the standards- setting movement of the schools and teachers has had de facto standards for the content areas that are mentioned in the Goals. These are affected by the textbook manufactures and the performance standards that are set by the testing companies. In contrast to this, the standards development projects of recent years have tried to get a base of support for a ny academic improvement. The involvement of teacher in the professional standards development can be seen in various areas: 1.  The teachers function as the standards. A lot of members of the NBPTS standards committees are accomplished and celebrated teachers. Classroom teachers are members of the NCATE board and the Standards Committee serve as the team which evaluates the teacher preparation programs. The Standard Project is there to develop the assessment standards. It also serves as the instrument for a national system of voluntary student examination. It engages the teachers in developing the tests items and refining the content standards in order to come up with better scores from the students. 2.  Teachers are the subjects of the fields that are new to test standards. Since they participate in the NBPTS field test, the INTAST assessments are conducted by teachers. 3. Teachers serve as the translators of the content standards. They apply this in a teachable classroom setting. By working with the scholars, the teachers build the contend standards in a state curriculum framework. They come up with lesson plans which are the operations for the standards they intend to meet. 4. Because they bargain units and have professional associations, teachers serve as the initiators of the standards-setting projects.  Take this for example, the Standards for Teacher Competence in Educational Assessment of Students was developed by the American Federation of Teachers, the National Council on Measurement in Education and the National Education Association. 5. Teachers also serve as the critics of the national standards that set the efforts on education reform. The seven model standards that have been developed and supported by the Board of Education have circulated drafts of the standards documents. It also solicits the comment from the teachers and the parents. It is very important that teachers are on the panels in order to oversee the projects. The promotion of students’ critical thinking skills, active engagement in learning and deeper understanding of the subject matter is â€Å"teaching for understanding. † The classroom teachers must be engaged in teaching and understanding the lessons that they teach to the students. The research and the experience are collaborated and are jointly reported. Teachers must also focus on the policy considerations, starting with the perspectives in the classroom and emphasizing on the need for the field-based research that are needed for the multiple contexts of teaching. However, the involvement of teachers also varies on the perception of the school leadership. There are some teachers that perceive the costs of involvement in education reform outweigh the benefits. There are also some teachers who choose to not get involved because it means that this will influence other school policies. With this in mind, this proves that there are two kinds of decisions: the managerial, which is made by the administrators and the technical, which concentrates on the goal. Most teachers prefer being involved in the process than coming up with technical decisions. 7 Then there are some teachers that argue that education reform cannot be imposed on a unilateral approach. Teachers must endorse their new responsibilities and roles, as long as there is a time and enough resources to go about it. Schools depend on the cooperation, relation and interdependence of the staff members that plans such as these must be consistent with the norms that already exist. 8 Schools must also consider the current staff development. There are some models that do not help the teachers in handling the complex reforms that are currently being implemented. Dominant models work perfectly when the specific practices or skills are transferred. The current reforms need teachers to be intellectual. They must grapple the new ways in order to implement the principles and ideas in their daily work. The five steams of reform are challenges to the teachers. 9 Finally, there are the different studies of teachers when it comes to leadership roles. There are conditions that are particularly good prospects when it comes to leadership. By investing in roles that are dignified and not simply powerful, the organizational incentives needed for collaboration results to agreements which protect and separate the interest of the administrators and the teachers. This is a good thing because its final result is that it complies with the policies which support the education reform. Drawing from four different studies of teachers in leadership roles, the author examines the conditions for teacher productivity in schools. Little identifies five conditions as particularly likely to advance or erode the prospects for teacher leadership: define leadership tasks that are important, not trivial; invest leadership roles with dignity, not simply power over others; have organizational incentives for collaboration; avoid agreements that protect the separate interests of teachers and administrators; and have district policies that support teacher leadership, especially those on recruitment, selection, placement, and evaluation of principals. 10 Sometimes it is better to give movie examples. Over the years, there are countless movie releases that show teachers defying the school’s rules in order to provide what is best for their students. In â€Å"Dangerous Minds†, Michelle Pfeiffer encourages her students to read poetry instead of hanging out in the street and ruining their lives by getting involved in drugs, sex and gangsters. In the â€Å"Sister Act 2†, Whoopi Goldberg helms a choir consisting of African American students from the ghettos. Like Pfeiffer in â€Å"Dangerous Minds†, this is the nun’s distraction for the students to make something out of their lives. But a recent movie that depicts educational reform and teacher’s involvement best is the TV movie â€Å"Walkout. † It tells the story of the Mexican-American students in Los Angeles high schools in 1968. They staged a boycott in order to improve the quality of education for Chicanos. Actor-director Edward James Olmos (who plays Jennifer Lopez’ dad in â€Å"Selena) appears and directs in the movie. â€Å"Walkout† was skillfully directed and presented a simple story told in a direct manner. There is a frank portrayal of the unacceptable educational standards in the schools that are attended by the Mexican-American students. In one scene, two Chicano students were slapped on their behinds because they spoke in Spanish. This was only one of the rules in American schools which Mexican-American activists wanted to reform. They want to speak in Spanish whenever they want to because Spanish is their language. For teachers who want a peg in participating in educational reforms, they can look at Sal Castro played by Michael Pena (Jennifer Lopez’ brother in â€Å"Selena. ) He is a dedicated high school history teacher who is the instrument in stirring idealism in his students. He didn’t want them to be violent activists. He encouraged reform but he reminded them that this can be done in a united and peaceful protest. The focal point of the story is Paula Crisostomo (Alexa Vega) who is an exceptional student. She risked her graduation in order to be part of the Lincoln High School walkout. â€Å"Walkout† captures the passion of Paula and her classmates. The parents strongly resisted at the earlier part of the film, but later on they slowly understood the reason behind the activism of their children. The entire cast, played by young performers, is convincing. It is true that â€Å"Walkout† is a film but this is a depiction of something that happened in 1968 which changed history. Because of that walk-out, Mexican-American students are given a voice. The teacher participated in his own way in the education reform his students want granted. Those who watched this movie for the first time were unaware of the Chicano movement of 1968. They were surprised to find out that there was a time Universities kept Chicanos out. Teachers sacrifice their efforts and their time in order to concretize the goals they want for their students. Education reform may not be achieved with just one snap of a finger but that does not mean that teachers should stop trying there and then. For this very reason of reform, teachers and students are more motivated to strive toward success. Education reform is a right that must be made the most out of. It could be better opportunities for the teachers as well as the students. Once the school is presented an option to have an education, then they must seize it. It may be puzzling at first but the absence of education reform can have dire effects on the effective teaching in schools. Research shows that successful schools have reformed their education in relation to the demands of today’s information age. By viewing teaching as the central activity of organizations, more and more educational bodies are encouraging schools to take part of education reform. By proposing the norms, conducts, standards and practices which will serve as the central dialogue and observation of teaching, activities and practices that are related to providing a curriculum and materials needed by the school, students and teachers will be open to the recognition of teacher’s involvement in the whole educational reform process.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Service Company Can Differentiate Its Service Delivery

Principles of Logistics and Marketing Essay â€Å"The service company can differentiate its service delivery in three ways: through people, physical environment and process† (Kotler P, 2005). Introduction: In today’s competitive marketplace companies are competing strategically through service quality for better differentiation. In certain time of period the successful companies were using marketing mix model of four elements: Product, price, promotion and place. However later on, Booms and Bitner suggested the extension of the 4-Ps framework to include three additional factors: People, Physical evidence and process as marketing.The additional 3-Ps has been adopted in the service marketing literature, and also 7-Ps marketing mix model is more useful for services industries like Transport and Logistics. People for most services are the most important and irreplaceable element of the marketing mix. â€Å"Successful companies focus on the services-dominant paradigm with i nvestment in people, technology, human resource policies and compensation linked to service performance of employees. It’s very important because contact employees’ attitudes and behaviours significantly influence the quality of service. (Johnston R, & Clark G, 2005). In other words they represent the â€Å"face and voice† of their organizations to customers. Personnel, who come into contact with customer, have to make positive first impression to achieve customer satisfaction. They are responsible for representation of the image of the service company for which they operate. It is important that employees’ attitudes and behaviours are suitable to the delivery of service quality. For example in Travel industries, service personnel must have knowledge of advertising.The advertising should have positive effects on contact personnel. It should provide tangible clues to the customers and make service offering well understood. It is also necessary for service companies to make sure that employees are giving the best quality performance. The ways to do that can be very simple, for example providing personnel with a necessary tools and equipment, such as mobile phones, computers, or creating better working environment by offering employees: child care service; health care service; family support service; family sick days; flexible return.However to have an affective marketing strategy, service companies have to make eye-catching image of the company for customers satisfaction. To achieve this, service companies are using another marketing mix element: Physical Evidence. â€Å"Physical Evidence in the Booms and Bitner framework refers to the environment in which the service is delivered and any tangible good that facilitate the performance and communication of the service. Physical evidence is important because customers use tangible clues to assess the quality of service provided. (Rafiq, M. & Pervaiz, K. A. 1995) The physical evidence of service is composed of all the physical representations of service. I. e. in transport and logistics service these tangible representations are: buildings, exclusive colour-painted vehicles, letterhead, carry-bags, uniforms of the personnel, package materials with coloured logotypes. Colours also have a meaning for physical evidence. For example red and yellow colours symbolize speed, energy and power.These colours are widely used in transport and logistics services, for example delivery services company DHL, used both colours in their company logo, also the flag carrier airlines of Spain – Iberia, are using these colours in their company logo and on the aircraft they own. By noticing these tangible cues, customers understand what company wants to say about its quality and performance. Also transport and logistics services create its appearance by using the newest model vehicles.From the companies which are using the latest model vehicles, customers automatically expect good service quality and fast transportation. On aircraft when customer is flying in the first class, he expects enough room to lay down, comfortable seats, cabin crew which wears clean and tidy uniforms. Generally speaking, physical evidence is capable to visually reflect what the company stands for, and simplifies the activities of employees. And the main purpose of physical evidence element is that it should be helping potential customers to see what kind of service they are buying.However to achieve customers expectation and satisfaction of the delivery service, an attractive environment is not enough, companies should show visualization of the service processes to the customer. â€Å"Processes are the lifeblood of the service operation. Rather like DNA provides the patter for living organism, a good process ensures that service is delivered consistently, time after time. â€Å"(Johnston R, & Clark G, 2005). It is said that logistics is a process of resource management providing: The right product, in the right place, at the right time. Therefore logistics companies should make this process visible for their customers.I. e. the world largest courier companies such as DHL, UPS, FedEx and TNT are using shipment tracking systems, customers can track their packages on companies’ web sites . On these web sites customers can find out where there shipment is. In other words, courier companies can offer customer real-time details of their shipment’s progress as it speeds through the companies’ network on the way to its destination. By seeing this process customer can evaluate the courier company and if these service processes satisfy him, he probably will be using the company’s service in the future.Therefore the power of IT should be integrated in this segment because it can speed up the availability of the information. Also, service firms use â€Å"service blueprinting† to better manage the service encounter and to allow clearer visualization of the service processes. â€Å"In typical service blueprint, the customer occupies the top zone, management occupies the bottom zone and service operations are inserted between them. † (Shostack, L. G. 1984). Although it should be remembered that, â€Å"Badly designed processes are likely to annoy customers because of slow, bureaucratic, and ineffective service delivery.Similarly, poor processes make it difficult for front-line staff to do their jobs well, result in low productivity, and increase the likelihood of service failures. †(Lovelock, C. H. , Wright, L. 2002). Conclusion: The additional elements of people, physical environment and process, have vital meaning for marketing services. Customers’ satisfaction of service delivery depends on how well these elements: people, physical environment and process, function together. These segments composed of the people who operate the service in the delivery service, the physical environment in hich the services are performed and the service processes which maintains these performances. Besides these three elements of service marketing mix have main influence on clients decision to purchase the service or not. In transport, the core product is service (movement) but there still are number of physical goods needed i. e. vehicles, roads, offices, for the business to operate. Whiles today’s marketplace is on competitiveness peak and the competition between service delivery companies is at the highest level it is important for delivery service companies to provide best quality of service to acquire and retain their customers.Bibliography: Johnston, R. & Clark, G. (2005) Service Operations Management Improving Service Delivery 2nd ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. Lovelock, C. H. , Wright, L. (2002). Principles of service marketing and management . 2nd ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. p14. Rafiq, M & Pervaiz K. A. (1995). Using the 7Ps as a generic marketing mix. Marketing Intelligence & Planning. 13 (9), pp4-15. Shostack, L. G. (1984). Design Services that Deliver. Harvard Business Review pp133-139.

Monday, July 29, 2019

International Trade Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

International Trade - Case Study Example The new service plan is that of the sports caf where football matches will be telecasted. The premises of the caf, the uniform of the attendants and the menu will speak out the theme clearly and loudly. The target marketing has revealed a niche audience with love for football. The company introducing the service is Interfresh Ltd - entertainment unlimited. The environment, even though it is going through recession, is favoring the opening of a sports caf. The SWOT analysis has highlighted that the caf has the opportunity of playing many other sports when it reaches the maturity stage and thus extending its maturity. The marketing objectives are that of awareness and creating and keeping profitable customers for the life of the caf. The marketing strategies will involve above-the-line and below-the-line marketing activities. The marketing objectives for the sports caf are that of awareness of the caf and the special characteristics that it possesses. Whether it is above-the-line or below-the-line marketing activities, both are used to ensure that awareness is spread and excitement is generated within people. Therefore, marketing strategies are formed in ways which will fulfill the marketing objectives, given the budget that was decided. The marketing strategies encompass creating customers, keeping customers and ensuring that customers are profitable. (George, 1981) Target Customers The intended target market is the football lovers. These people are in huge numbers and are especially prominent when the football season is going on. Huge numbers of people go crazy when football world cup starts, choosing teams to hoot for and players to die for. Service Positioning In the Market The product positioning is that of a very informal, casual caf, where along with great food, the customers will get unlimited entertainment, where they will be able to watch sports at all times. Thus, such positioning is bound to make a permanent place in the minds of the consumers. COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGES UNDERLYING THE OPPORTUNITY The opportunity of opening up a sports caf has a comparative advantage for the company. The company is based in Zimbabwe, where the people are not too fond of sports as compared to people in other parts of the world. Thus, opening this business for another target market in some other country where people have a passion for sports is one of the comparative advantages that the opportunity has for the company Interfresh Ltd. COMPARISON OF THE POTENTIAL MARKET SIZE The customers are niche market that is those people who love football and who visit the caf for the prime purpose of watching the match in the caf. The market size is considerably high and the growth in the market is good as well because many children each year grow big enough to understand the game of football and becoming football crazy, thus enlarging the target market of the caf. ESTIMATED START-UP COSTS Costs There needs to be 20 attendants in the caf, all dressed in football gear or wearing the shirts of famous football players. The major costs of the caf will be the design and making of this gear as well as the periodic maintenance of this gear

Sunday, July 28, 2019


INDIGENOUS CULTURE IN THE RAINFOREST BIODIVERSITY - Essay Example These beliefs combined to create a complex system of farming and recycling of the rainforest's products they used in their daily life. This sustainable agriculture has been in use for several thousand years (Hartmann 2005). It is believed that the Kayapo are an ecologically evolved population and are an example of living in balance with the ecosystem. They are generally non-aggressive and have a rich tradition of rituals. They are an ancient culture that has its foundations in seasonal farming and gathering. Beliefs and ideals surrounding the issue of using the rainforest, and the purpose of the rainforest, are passed from generation to generation through socialization. Socialization is the process where people learn the customs and acceptable behaviors of the community in which they live. Customs are the traditionally accepted norms, standards, and ways of doing things. Often these customs are passed through rituals, a formal ceremony that is usually symbolic. The symbolism represents a belief and this is shared by a group such as a family or community. By socialization, a culture passes its customs and norms to the next generation and they develop a set of values based on these beliefs, customs, and norms. Values are the abstract belief in a system of right, wrong, fair, and decent.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Why is obesity such a problem nowadays in America Research Paper

Why is obesity such a problem nowadays in America - Research Paper Example 0 established that the proportion of Americans who have the most severe obesity condition did actually quadruple from one person in every 200 to one person in every 50 people studied meaning that such people have at least an extra 100 pounds of flesh on their bodies. The issue of obesity has been all along considered a medical condition whose causes are more than one (Centers for Disease Control). However, not much emphasis had been put on the issue of obesity until recently when it came to be linked to many other social and medical conditions. The social stigma and medical worries attributed to obesity have helped fuel the current atmosphere where obesity has been hyped as being a major problem in the US today. This paper seeks to expound on these findings and others by engaging in a discussion that will shed more light on why many Americans have found reason to worry about being obese and how this is currently a big problem in the US and for the American people (Pollan). The discus sion will borrow heavily from various credible researches done by different organizations and use secondary sources to establish and add evidence to the argument. There are many things that have been attributed to one being obese. Obesity has been found to be a very complex situation that arises out of metabolic, neurological and at times genetic causes and is usually exhibited by someone being overweight, plump or bulge. Currently, obesity has been declared one of the national health crises in America. In case the trend continues and the numbers keep soaring, then there are all possibilities that obesity will overtake smoking as the most contributing factor to many early deaths in the US, poor life quality standards, and a huge cost implication to the healthcare system. And if such revelations are not enough to make you twitch, the latest survey from UCDCP shows that a third of all adults in the US are considered being obese and another third are overweight and that Americans are on a

Friday, July 26, 2019

Racial prejudices among the police in united kingdom Essay

Racial prejudices among the police in united kingdom - Essay Example But the hard news is that the mass media: TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and on the Internet, are free to be prejudiced in covering black communities and free to maintain closed doors to Black and minority ethnic journalists (Chronicle World, 2007). When we don’t know an individual well, we consciously or unconsciously begin to characterize him or her based on what we see. Again, this is due to our ignorance of the person’s real character and personality (Oloo, N 2007). We will form opinions, often based along stereotypical lines (Mwenda, 2004, P.56-60. We can fill in the blanks with such expectations that certain races are intellectually superior, others are full of avarice, another is more artistically or athletically inclined, still another has members who are apt to be dishonest, etc (Barnes, 1998). He continues that, these ideas have been formed from society, media, and our own upbringing. According to Mailu, (2000), while all humans belong to the same species, races are distinguished from one another by such characteristics as hair color and texture, skin color, eye color and shape, size of limb and body parts, and facial organs (P. 34). Racial matters have shaped the form of our present day societies since time began. As far back as the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob living in the land of Goshen, people have been subjugated due to their differences (Ferguson, 2003, P. 102). From the Nazis to the Southern American slave owners, prejudice of one race against another has resulted in atrocities (Anthony, 2007 P.24). Michael, W (1997) says that, indeed, humans are outwardly different in appearance but the problem arises when the symptoms of the disease become evident: intolerance, separation, and hatred. This is manifested among the United Kingdom police. Racial prejudice affects everyone and we must honestly say that all people suffer from this on various levels, some high, others low (Molo, 2004). The maiden aim for this research paper is to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Bast fibers and glass fibers Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Bast fibers and glass fibers - Coursework Example Data from various literature sources was compiled and used to a Life Cycle Inventory for the production of flax fibres. Three scenario were studied for the production of different fibers including natural bast fiber flax, glass fiber and china reed. The best method for agriculture practice was identified for the fibre production from the research. It is found out that flax fibre environmental characteristics can be enhanced with the use of biological control pests and organic fertilizers. Also, another most energy intensive fiber processing operation is spinning. This eliminates the energy use and eliminated associated environmental impacts. According to the energy analysis carried out, the reinforcement of glass fiber was found to be more effective in flax yarn. Similar amounts of Flax siver and glass fiber have same amount of energies quantities. The format chosen for reinforcement determines the environmental benefit arising from substitution of glass fibres by natural fibre. The most important factor to consider is the use of spun fibers as effective reinforcements in polymer matrix composites. In various engineering applications it is often the case that a given homogenous core material is reinforced using another material that is stiffer and also stronger to achieve required mechanical and material property. Usually the constituent material used for the reinforcement is fibrous. From a broad perspective fiber materials used for material composite reinforcement can be natural or synthetic.

What made the Soviet experiment work, and what did eventually lead to Essay

What made the Soviet experiment work, and what did eventually lead to its failure - Essay Example This paper has presented a comprehensive account of the cause of the revolution. It has described how, a rush into a new system with very little knowledge and experience, coupled with other factors such as; conflicts within the parties, and the civil war; led to the failure of the soviet experiment. There is a description of the soviet experiment. Also included is a description of capitalism and its integration with the Russian economy, as well as, a description of socialism and its compatibility to the Russian economy. There is also a discussion about the qualities of the revolutionary leaders that led to the success and failure of the experiment, conflict between the two parties that formed the revolution, the civil war, and the outcome that led to the abandonment of socialism. All these have been described with reference to examples from historical texts and documents.Before 1914, Russia was a country of great wealth considering the farmed land estates that it had. These lands wer e however, inadequately used and there were millions of peasant farmers that grew poorer by the day due to increased population of industrial works, and high rents imposed on them by the landlords. The state of the economy of Russia was not good because of a variety of factors. Russia had no domestic market for its industrial products. The country had built a railway to be used to export products, and also invested largely on foreign capital.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Jesus Christ as viewed by the Muslims, Christians and the Jews Essay

Jesus Christ as viewed by the Muslims, Christians and the Jews - Essay Example Christianity, Islam and Judaism are three types of religions in which Jesus plays a different role as perceived by the believers. All the three religions know Jesus very well but they have a very different way of referring to Him. Likewise, the role that Jesus portrays in each of the religion is very much different, although all such roles are important. Let us view the theme how each religion views Jesus Christ according to their religious beliefs. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are three types of religions in which Jesus plays a different role as perceived by the believers. All the three religions know Jesus very well but they have a very different way of referring to Him. Likewise, the role that Jesus portrays in each of the religion is very much different, although all such roles are important. Let us view the theme how each religion views Jesus Christ according to their religious beliefs.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Is Cyber Love a Degraded Form of Real Life Love Essay

Is Cyber Love a Degraded Form of Real Life Love - Essay Example After chatting for several days, they realize that both of them cannot sleep tight without talking to their cyber friend or without saying goodnight to each other. The feeling of love develops when people are attracted towards each other or when the interest and hobbies match. When love happens online, it can then be tagged as cyber love. Cyber love results when couples chat with each other for months (Theng, 2009). There are various perceptions that people hold about cyber love. Most of them think that cyber love is unreal as people are not exactly aware of the identity of the person they are chatting with. Especially parents get scared for their children involved in online relationship. They are aware of the fact that cyber is a virtual world; therefore, one cannot trust people for their identity. Now the question arises if cyber love is a â€Å"degraded form† of real love. Before evaluating the phrase â€Å"cyber love†, there is a need to look at it through several p erspectives. Lately, there is an increasing trend in singles who are involved in cyber dating. Talk shows are a mean of creating hype for the cyber chatting. The movie You’ve Got Mail also contributed toward increasing the trend of cyber dating. Cyber love is, however, very different from real relationship. The cyber environment is quite restricted in comparison to the natural one. For a new cyber user, online chatting environment may be daunting (Grant, 2013). For new internet users, communicating through a cyber chat room is an obstacle at first. There are certain protocols which are followed online, for example, to avoid offending people and to in case of chatting with someone who recurs to the help of sarcasm. There is no non-verbal communication involved in chatting; typed words are the only mean through which a person may communicate and express his or her feeling for others. A newbie, before starting their chatting experience, observes other users interacting with each other. In this way, the newbie observes the internet chatting culture before they feel comfortable while interacting with others. To some degree, every internet user is mesmerised by the fantasy that it provides. The internet users must realise the fact that there is a certain level of sensitivity which is required to interact with others. There is a huge difference between interacting with people online and interacting with them in person. When two people continuously interact with one another through online chat room, they often fantasise that they have fallen in love. The chat room partners often plan to meet each on a specific day at a specific place. This is where reality meets fantasy. Several experiences have been shared by people where they have reported that their chat room partner was totally different from the one whose picture was displayed on the chat profile of their partner. After going through a period of disillusionment, people have understood how to use the intern et wisely and safely. Sherry Turkle, a sociology professor, studied the relationship that people share with computers, in his book Life on the Screen. He also defined the aspects of how people today relate themselves to the internet culture. According to professor Turkle, an individual builds one individual image of him/herself by cycling through several images.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Ininternet Addiction and How It Affects Educational Success Essay Example for Free

Ininternet Addiction and How It Affects Educational Success Essay Many people carry out most of their daily activities using the internet, for example, banking, paying bills and trading which has led to a marked dependence on the internet. According to the Center for On-Line Addiction (1998), there are several types of internet addiction: The first is Cyber-sexual Addiction where people get addicted to pornography on the internet. The second is Cyber-relationship Addiction where people make on-line friends in chatrooms and soon the online friends replace life friends and family. The third is Net- Compulsions where people engage in different compulsive behaviors such as gambling, auctions and excessive online trading. People develop an internet addiction for different reasons. Some people become addicted to the Internet because of the social connections they make online. This is because they develop emotional attachments to the online friends they ‘meet ’on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. The internet offers anonymity where people can talk about issues that they would not feel free to talk to close friends or family about. The internet also provides a wide array of activities which keeps people online in search of new and exciting forms of entertainment The internet has both positive and negative affects on education. Internet addiction negatively affects the social life of students; it leads to an inability to communicate in the ‘real world’. Lack of communication skills it makes it hard for students to form healthy relationships with their peers at school. The internet can also be very distracting. There are a lot of fun activities on the internet like games and social networks which distracts students from doing their school work. Internet addicts spend a lot of time on the internet which leads to exhaustion due to lack of sleep which in turn leads to a lack of concentration at school. Internet addiction continues to be a major problem in today’s society and measures should be taken to ensure that students who are addicted to the internet receive help in order to continue with their studies. Students should be made aware of the reality of internet addiction and its negative effects on their academic performance. Teachers and parents should also limit the time spent by students on the internet to enable them to achieve better academic excellence. References Centre for Internet Addiction (2011). A Growing Epidemic. Retrieved 5, 2013 from http://www. netaddiction. com Young K. S. (1998). Caught in the net: how to recognize the signs of Internet addiction-and a winning strategy for recovery. New York: J. Wiley.